Alabama | Yes | Yes | Night time Sun down to sunrise. | Yes | Yes | Mandatory PFD wearage |
Alaska | | | | | | |
American Samoa | | | | | | |
California | | | | | | |
Colorado | | | | | | |
Connecticut | | | | | | |
Delaware | | | | | | |
District of Columbia | | | | | | |
Florida | Yes | Yes | from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise. | Yes | No | A person may not operate or manipulate any vessel, tow rope, or other device by which the direction or location of water skis, parasail, aquaplane, innertube, sled, or similar device may be affected or controlled, in such a way as to cause the water skis, parasail, aquaplane, innertube, sled, or similar device or any person thereon to collide or strike against or be likely to collide or strike against any vessel, bridge, wharf, pier, dock, buoy, platform, piling, channel marker, or other object, except slalom buoys, ski jumps, or like objects used normally in competitive or recreational skiing. |
Georgia | Yes | Yes | from sunset to sunrise | Yes | No | Must not be within 100 feet of shore, boats, persons, obstacles in the water |
Guam | Yes | Yes | One hour before and after daylight | Yes | No | |
Hawaii | | | | | | |
Idaho | Yes | No | 1 hour prior to sunrise-1 hour after sunset | Yes | Yes | Must have an observer on board |
Illinois | | | | | | |
Indiana | Yes | No | sunrise to sunset | | No | |
Iowa | Yes | No | 1/2 hour after sunset to sunrise | Yes | No | |
Kansas | | | | | | |
Kentucky | | | | | | |
Louisiana | | | | | | |
Maine | Yes | No | sunset to sunrise | No | No | |
Massachusetts | | | | | | |
Michigan | | | | | | |
Mississippi | | | | | | |
Arkansas | No | Yes | 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise. | Yes | No | Regarding Question 19 - Whether or not we require an observer while pulling a skier: No on a motorboat as long as a wide angle marine convex mirror is used. However mirrors are not allowed on PWCs while pulling skiers; they must have an observer that is 12 years old or older on board an in a position to observe the skier. |
Maryland | Yes | No | sunset to sunrise | No | No | Other than a Life Jacket I believe you have covered everything else |
Minnesota | Yes | Yes | 60 minutes past sunset to sunrise the following day | Yes | No | Max rope length of 150 feet unless given a permit by the county sheriff |
Missouri | Yes | Yes | Legal sunset to legal sunrise. | Yes | Yes | Cannot tow a person water skiing or on similar device(s) in a manner which would cause the person to collide with any person or object. |
Montana | | | | | | |
Nebraska | | | | | | |
Nevada | Yes | No | No skiing at night | Yes | Yes | Skiing prohibited in certain areas by statute/regulation |
New Hampshire | | | | | | |
New Jersey | | | | | | |
New Mexico | Yes | Yes | one hour after sunset to one hour prior to sun rise. | Yes | Yes | PWC is a 3 person with an observer. No areal devices except para sail. Motor boats are only vessels allowed to use a mirror, not PWC. |
New York | Yes | No | Prohibited from sunset to sunrise | Yes | No | Observer must be at least 10 years of age or older |
North Carolina | | | | | | |
North Dakota | No | Yes | One hour after sunset to one hour before sunset | Yes | No | |
Northern Marianas | | | | | | |
Ohio | | | | | | |
Oklahoma | Yes | Yes | Skiing is prohibited from sunset to sunrise. | Yes | No | Skiers are considered passengers of the vessel. Vessel capacity cannot be exceeded by total number of passengers and skiers. Persons being towed must wear a USCG approved lifejacket approved for the activity. |
Oregon | Yes | No | Between sunset and sunrise. | Yes | Yes | We have a new law requiring an education endorsement for wake surfing and wake boarding on a 20 miles section of the Willamette River. |
Pennsylvania | Yes | No | dusk to dawn | No | No | 200 ft no wake zone for wake surfing which is considered skiing in PA |
Puerto Rico | | | | | | |
Rhode Island | | | | | | |
South Carolina | | | | | | |
South Dakota | | | | | | |
Tennessee | Yes | Yes | sunset to sunrise | Yes | No | |
Vermont | | | | | | |
Virgin Islands | | | | | | |
Virginia | | | | | | |
Washington | | | | | | |
West Virginia | | | | | | |
Texas | Yes | Yes | Towed Water Sports are prohibited between 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise. | Yes | No | N/A |
Utah | Yes | Yes | Sunset to sunrise | Yes | Yes | Skier down flag |
Wisconsin | No | Yes | Between sunset and sunrise | Yes | Yes | vessels towing and those being towed may not come within 100 feet of any occupied anchored boat, any PWC or any marked swimming area or public boat landing |
Wyoming | Yes | Yes | One hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise | No | Yes | Persons riding in the wake of a watercraft (wake surfing without a tow rope) are required to wear a PFD. |